Nsubuga Ronnie
Nsubuga Ronnie
Founder of Crystal Models Africa Founder of Pearl of Africa Fashion Alliance Casting Director Fashion Show Producer Model Scout Pageant Coach Fashion & Image Consultant
Nsubuga Ronnie




The modeling industry has gotten a facelift over the years, and it is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, especially in the high fashion areas of the world.

As recently as the early 90s, you would only see models of a particular body type dominating the runway and fashion houses.

Still, nowadays, the fashion industry has become more aware of inclusivity, and plus-size models are thriving and booking jobs everywhere.

Plus-size modeling is becoming more mainstream and visible by the day, with many more plus-size models gaining ground and doing great things. The industry has never been this inclusive, so if you’re considering joining the industry, then this is the best time.

As the name implies, plus-size models are typically bigger and curvier than the regular model shape, and they represent a larger population of the standard woman.

Still, modeling is not easy for anyone, so there are many rules and requirements you have to meet to be considered. With the right direction, you could be fulfilling your dreams as a model in no time.


plus size models

Modeling, in general, is a highly competitive market , but plus-size modeling is even more competitive because of the freshness of this part of the industry.

Nevertheless, the industry is full of opportunities for people of every size, so you need to step up your game to break into the industry successfully. Plus-size models can work in virtually any part of the industry, and designers are always looking for a fresh new face.

The secret to a successful modeling debut in making a striking first impression on any modeling agencies or designers you meet with and having an impressive portfolio that stages your features in the best light.

You also need to make good connections within the industry and find the agencies that suit you best.

The following tips will help you start a career as a plus-size model according to Nsubuga Ronnie -

1. Get reviewed by knowledgeable professionals

Before you go about applying to modeling agencies everywhere, you need to get a professional analysis of your potential as a model. What modeling agency will you fit into successfully? Do you have the right requirements for modeling? What types of modeling bests suit you? These are the kind of questions you need to ask yourself and also some professionals.

Your best bet at getting your questions answered is by meeting up with a few agents that scout for new talent like at Crystal Models Africa. You can contact a few of them in any modeling type you’re interested in.

Agents usually have specific modeling types that they work with, but you may find some that dabble in different types of modeling.

When you first start looking for representation, you don’t need to be too specific about the type of agents you meet. At that stage, you need as much publicity as you can get. So you should meet as many scouts and agents as possible.

Don’t get too discouraged by rejection – they will help to build your courage and help you to develop a thicker skin. And if you don't get signed at first, don’t worry. You will find better representation.

2. Exposure, exposure, exposure!

Exposure is the key to getting your name and face in everyone’s mind, especially when you’re trying to break into the industry in the beginning.

The more agents, scouts, and brands that get familiar with you, the better your chances of becoming very popular and getting good modeling gigs.

"The industry is a popularity contest, so you need to get your image across to as many people as possible".Nsubuga Ronnie says

You can get some exposure by sending out emails to different modeling agencies, but this is not a foolproof plan because emails are easily missed.

If you have a connection inside the agency, you can send it to them directly, and they can help you distribute the pictures around to the people that you want to see them.

More ways to getting exposure are attending modeling events, Festivals,going in for open casting calls, and following the right people on social media.

All these methods either cost money or time, but they help to introduce you to the right people you need to start your career.

3. Don’t complicate things

At the beginning of your career, you probably shouldn’t be so eager to spend high amounts of money on professional pictures. You will eventually need those kinds of pictures, but not until you have jobs that demand them.

Your photos are supposed to show you in the most natural state while showing off your best parts and your versatility.

"The most impotant factors the agents and scouts are looking for are your facial features and how your body looks in clothes".

Make sure to take pictures with your face showing clearly from all angles, and use as little makeup as possible. You need quality pictures that showcase your natural features in their best light with very little editing.

You also need to wear simple clothes that show off your body comfortable, without being too loose or too tight. A simple pair of jeans and a tank top, or a simple dress will show off your body without being too distracting.

And don’t worry; if the agents and scouts think you need professional pictures, they will let you know. In some instances, you can even have an agreement with any of them that want to represent you with the aim of paying back when you start working regularly.

4. Get a personal coach or Trainer.

Your personal Trainer

As a model coach, I want to break the narrative today, with experience of more than ten years in the modeling business, I have heard and seen many people, sites and blogs showing that someone doesn’t need modeling training.

I feel this is a wrong perspective of looking at the industry basing on how immature most new people get to this industry and also looking at the kind of market . Every model needs training more so on how to best penetrate through the modeling industry.

These classes help the model make the right decisions on self-discovery before getting signed to any modeling agency.

The classes and mentorship are never free as people think, it’s always a great idea for any model to find a personal coach or trainer to help them, and this takes time and experience from these professionals which come at a cost. Therefore, my advice to every starting model is to find anyone genuine and professional, take up the classes and be ready to work best in the industry.

Remember to always first take time to research about these people and who they are because the industry is full of very bad people. Also keep it in mind that nothing comes for free in this industry.

Modeling is a career and a talent that you are never born with, it’s the looks that sell you, therefore, you need experience which comes at a cost of your input for both time and money.

In such markets like in Africa. Investing in your own talent is the best thing you can ever do for yourself.

5. Only work together with experienced agencies


One thing that is sure to kill any aspiring model’s career before it really takes off is bad management. If you make the mistake of not picking the right represntation, it can cripple your ambition for good, or at the very least, stunt your growth. You need an agency that represents you appropriately, and that fits your image suitably.

When you’re new in the industry, you may be eager to jump into any offer, but that is not advisable. Before you go into any contract, you have to make sure you have sufficient information and knowledge on the way modeling agencies work.

A legitimate agency like Crystal Models Africa will also have good relationships with other agencies around the world, giving you the opportunity to spread out and make international contracts.

6. Practice makes perfect

Regardless of how good you think you are as a model, you need to put in the hours of practice needed to excel. Even seasoned models practice before jobs or Castings.

With practice, you learn what your good sides are; you learn how to pose, clothes that suit you, and how to get comfortable in front of the camera.

For a model, your best companions are your mirror and any source of natural lighting you have. Stare at yourself in every angle until you master the best poses for your shape.

Try out as many angles as possible, so you know how best to showcase your features and figure. Have fun with different lighting options to see what suits your skin tone best.

Also, try out any beauty tips that help your poses look more natural but still elegant.

For example, if you lengthen your neck and tilt your jaw, it improves your profile. Also, holding out your arms when you pose can help them look toned. If you keep practicing these tips, they will end up becoming more natural on you.


Plus-size models have requirements that meet as well, but these requirements tend to be a lot less strict. You still need to meet a certain height, weight, and measurement requirements.

But, most of these requirements are determined by the particular job you cast or audition for, and they can be effortless.

At this time, there isn’t a set size that determines who can be a plus-size model, but most people consider a size 12 to 16 the standard for plus-size models.

The standard height for plus-size models is similar to the standard for most other models, but again, not as strict.

Anything from 5”6’ to 5”9’ is normal, but you can afford to be a little shorter. While you don’t have to be extraordinarily toned, you still have to take care of your body and work out a lot. Designers still prefer to hire models that look fit for their kind of jobs.

You need to eat right and keep up with your beauty treatments. If you have a waist that is smaller than your hips by 10 inches, then you have an advantage.

As a model, you need to be aware that your looks are still your major selling point, so you have to maintain them carefully. Apart from keeping fit and eating healthy , you need to have good skin, hair, and teeth.

Also, if your weight keeps fluctuating, you may have difficulty finding jobs. Brands want to know what they are paying for, so you need to maintain healthy. Stay away from unhealthy habits like smoking and get enough exercise.


The plus-size modeling industry is still growing, so the job setting is not as diverse as the rest of the industry. Still, plus-size models get a lot of work.

You can find a plus-size model everywhere in the industry, from runways to magazine covers. Designers use alot of plus size models to make clothes for regular-sized people.

You have probably seen plus-size models on the covers of magazines and publications. They work as swimsuit models, lingerie models, catalog models, and advertisement campaigns.

More recently, the demand for fit plus size models is on the rise.

What is considered plus-size in the modeling industry is what the regular woman looks like, and designers are getting more interested in making clothes that fit the regular woman.


The modeling industry has been a stereotypical field for so long, but plus-size models are coming up to smash all stereotypes about what a model should look like.

Since the rise of models like Melissa “Emme”Aronson, plus-size models have been on the rise, and they are here to stay.

Also, the physical requirements are getting broader by the day, and designers are now on the lookout for more diverse plus size models

There has never been a better time to pursue a career as a plus-size model, and there are numerous opportunities available. Still, having a successful modeling career hinges on several factors that may not be evident to you as a newcomer.

You may have all the requirements to be a good model, but if you don’t know how to network and make profitable connections, you may be left behind. So, if you have all the correct information at your fingertips, you have a chance to have a long and successful career in plus-size modeling.